News Summary
This is a summary of older news items for this web site, with links to more details further down the page or elsewhere on the site. Note that some old links on this page may no longer work, or may no longer be active.
19th December 2010 |
Further details about tickets for 8th January concert
(as communicated by Sandra to season ticket holders and others):
Here's the information for those who have tickets ...All tickets sold for 4 December are valid for the new date. If you are unable to attend the concert there are two options available to you and whichever one you choose, please return your ticket(s) to me at 152 West Street, Havant PO9 1LP before 8 January (not to Margaret Packe). First, you may select another concert in the season (February, March, May or July) and set the cost of the December ticket(s) against the total and pay just the additional (if any) cost. Alternatively, if you do not wish to do this you may request a refund. The easiest and quickest method (about 5 days) would be by Direct Transfer for which we shall need your account name, sort code and account number, please. Otherwise there will be a delay while cheques are drawn, countersigned and sent to you. (Our Treasurer holds the cheque book and the countersignees live in Havant!) I do hope all this makes sense - if not, please call me on 023 9248 3228. Now for those who don't have tickets ...There are tickets available and Margaret Packe is selling them. Details as always - cheque to HADOS plus SAE to 1, Beacon Square, EMSWORTH, PO10 7HU. [See Tickets page for full details] Happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all at Oaklands on Saturday 8 January when David Goodall will start the proceedings at 6.30pm with his talk about Nielsen, providing the weather allows him to travel down from COVENTRY! Sandra |
9th December 2010 | HSO players please see the Rehearsals page for details of the rehearsal arrangements for the rescheduled HSO concert on 8th January. |
7th December 2010 |
Oaklands concert details for 8th January
The postponed HSO December concert will now take place on Saturday 8th January at Oaklands Catholic School. We are very grateful for the school’s considerable efforts which went into making this revised date possible. Our planned soloist, Cordelia Williams, is unfortunately unavailable on the new date, but we hope Cordelia will be able to play in a concert with us some other time in the future. We are instead looking forward to new soloist James Willshire playing the Grieg. HSO leader Cathy Mathews is also unavailable, so we are grateful to HCO leader Brian Howells for stepping in. Tickets for the original 4th December date are valid for the new 8th January date or can be set against a Ferneham Hall concert this season. If neither option is suitable, a full refund is offered. If you have a ticket and |
3rd December 2010 |
Oaklands concert postponed to 8th January
[11:00 Friday 3rd December] The plan is now to have the concert on Saturday 8th January with a rehearsal the previous night Friday 7th January at Oaklands School. Players please let Tony know whether you are available on this date. |
3rd December 2010 |
Oaklands concert postponed and rehearsal cancelled!!!
[Note from Sandra at 08:30 Friday 3rd December] Tony, Peter and I have made the decision that, as Oaklands School is closed (at present) until Monday, that this evening's rehearsal is cancelled and that the concert will be postponed. Future date will depend on the availability of soloist and players in the New Year. Please will all players involved send details of their availability to Tony ( today so that plans can be made as soon as possible. The proposed dates are 8th and 15th January for the concert with rehearsals on 7th and 14th. |
2nd December 2010 | Snow alert!!! – Oaklands Catholic school is currently closed because of the snow, which may impact our plans for Friday’s rehearsal and Saturday’s concert. Players please see the rehearsals page for latest details, and keep an eye on your e-mail for updates. |
28th November 2010 | The November/December 2010 Friends’ Newsletter is now available on the Friends’ News and Events page. |
27th November 2010 | The Havant Orchestras Newsletter for December 2010 is now available. |
27th November 2010 | HSO players please note that the first rehearsal for the March 2011 concert will now be on Friday 14th January because another organization needs to use the hall the previous week. For details of upcoming rehearsals, see the Rehearsals page within the Members section. |
21st November 2010 | This web site now includes some cosmetic enhancements for users with browsers that support modern style sheet capabilities. This includes for example buttons with rounded corners and surfaces, and some text depth effects. Also, the currently selected button in each menu line is now highlighted as well as being shown as pushed in. In some browsers you may have to refresh the page (usually F5) to pick up the new version of the style sheet. Please let the webmaster know if these changes cause you any problems or you have any other comments on them. |
27th October 2010 | On Monday 1st November 2010 Classic FM will be playing Havant Symphony Orchestra’s recording of Brahms’ Academic Festival Overture (from the March 2008 concert CD) as part of the Full Works concert starting at 8.00pm. This concert consists of works selected from CD recordings submitted by members of the Making Music organisation. (We did propose that the Blower symphony would be the best work for broadcasting, but as we sent the complete CD, it was at the selection panel’s discretion to choose one of the other works). |
23rd October 2010 | The Friends of the Havant Orchestras are invited to attend the next rehearsal of the HSO which is at Oaklands School at 7.00pm on Friday 5th November 2010. |
23rd October 2010 | A Friends’ News and Events page is now available within the Members section of this web site. This contains a summary of news and events from the Friends’ Newsletter. |
10th October 2010 | The Havant Orchestras Newsletter for October 2010 is now available. |
26th September 2010 |
The information for players on the
rehearsal schedule
page in the Members section of this web site now includes
information about rehearsal times and locations for new players
plus additional details about specific rehearsals, such as "key" rehearsal dates.
These details will be updated whenever new information becomes available. At present, this additional information is only intended as a reminder; any changes to rehearsal arrangements will continue to be communicated directly. |
12th September 2010 | The programme for the 2011-12 season (a very special one for HSO) is already in the advanced stages of planning. These plans require some extra funding; players and friends please see the page about the Gold Fund for more details and suggestions for how you can help with fund-raising. |
12th September 2010 | No nominations were received for the 2010-2011 Bob Harding Bursary Award by the closing date. The current bursary holder, Samuel Draper, has therefore been invited to continue for another year, and we are very pleased to say that he has accepted. |
29th July 2010 |
We have a sad message to pass on from Sandra Craddock:
Further details: The undertakers are Edward White and Son, Chichester - 01243 782136 and donations to St Wilfred's Hospice and/or Cancer Research would be appreciated. |
26th June 2010 | The Havant Orchestras Newsletter for July 2010 is now available. |
13th May 2010 | Players please note that the rehearsal schedule for the 2010/11 Season is now available in the Members section of this web site. |
9th May 2010 | The concert programme details for the 2010/11 Season are now available on this web site, along with the booking and season ticket information for the new season. |
9th May 2010 | The Havant Orchestras Newsletter for May 2010 is now available. |
25th March 2010 | The Friends of the Havant Orchestras Newsletter for March 2010 is now available in the Members section of this web site. |
19th March 2010 | The Havant Orchestras Newsletter for March 2010 is now available. |
26th February 2010 |
As mentioned in the February newsletter,
for the last two years the ‘December’ concert has had to be a week earlier than usual,
in November, because the Ferneham Hall was unavailable (for pantomime preparations)
on our normal date.
As a result, various regular players were unavailable because of clashes with other events,
causing problems both for the orchestra and for those players.
For 2010, it has now been decided that instead of moving the date to November, the concert will take place at Oaklands School, Waterlooville on 4th December 2010, as proposed in the newsletter. |
15th January 2010 | The Havant Orchestras Newsletter for February 2010 is now available (a little earlier than usual). |