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Current and future event listings

As of 14th July 2024, this website is no longer being updated and has been replaced by a new modern website at  There is currently no equivalent of this events list on the new website. 

Can’t wait for the next Havant Orchestras concert?  Perhaps there’s some other concert you might like in the meantime!  The following table lists local events which may be of interest to our players and audience members, including concerts by other local orchestras (especially amateur orchestras) and occasional chamber music concerts.  Each event date links to a page containing further information.  Grey buttons link to external websites which will open in a separate tab or window. 

Most of the other orchestras and ensembles in this list include players who also play with the Havant Orchestras.  The area covered includes Havant and Fareham and adjoining areas such as Portsmouth, Southampton, Winchester, Petersfield and Emsworth, and even further in some cases (including Basingstoke, Chichester and the Isle of Wight). 

The information in this list is mostly based on other sources on the web and may not always be up-to-date and complete, so you are advised to verify details elsewhere, for example by visiting the relevant event website.  Entries marked with an asterisk "*" indicate that existing details for this event (date, venue or programme) have been changed since the entry was first added. 

Please send an e-mail to the webmaster if you would like to add an event to this list or have any changes or corrections to the existing information.  For new events, please include a link to an appropriate website for further information. 

Another source of information about local concerts is the Music In Portsmouth website, which provides listings of concerts for amateur classical musical groups (including choirs as well as orchestras) in the Portsmouth area, including Fareham, Petersfield, Chichester, Havant and Hayling Island. 

Date Time Location Event by Description

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