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Concert Tickets – 2023-2024 Season

Tickets for Havant Orchestras concerts

This season, the main concert series for the Havant Orchestras consists of three concerts by Havant Chamber Orchestra at Holy Trinity Church, Fareham (in October, February and May), and three concerts by Havant Symphony Orchestra at Oaklands Catholic School, Waterlooville (in December, March and July). 

There is also a separate pre-season concert of ‘popular classics’ at Hayling Island Community Centre.  For the booking and ticket arrangements, see Ticket prices for other concerts below. 

Tickets are usually available at the door, but to avoid long queues and get a a good choice of seats it is best to buy tickets for these concerts in advance.  These normally become available online shortly before the date of the preceding Havant Orchestras concert at the latest, but advance tickets have now been made available for all remaining concerts in the 2023-24 season.  For the HCO concerts at Holy Trinity Church the limited capacity of the venue means that there is a risk that those without advance tickets may not be able to buy tickets at the door. 

Ticket payments at the door are normally expected to be by cash or cheque (made out to HADOS) but chip-and-pin card payments can usually also be accepted, including contactless (up to the current contactless limit), using the iZettle secure card reader.  Card payments require someone familiar with handling card transactions, so we cannot always guarantee to be able to provide this service. 

Advance tickets for all Havant Orchestras concerts can be purchased online via TicketSource.  The Havant Orchestras concerts currently available on TicketSource are listed here:​havantorchestras.  You can alternatively obtain tickets from TicketSource by phone on 03336 663366, for which there is an additional service fee of around £2 including delivery by post. 

Obtaining tickets for HCO concerts

The usual HCO concert venue, Ferneham Hall, is not available this season because it is closed for major refurbishment until at least late 2024 (and may not even be suitable or affordable when it re-opens) so the concerts this season are at Holy Trinity Church, West Street, Fareham

Tickets normally become available shortly before the date of the preceding HSO concert at the latest, but advance tickets have already been made available for the rest of the 2023-24 season. 

For ticket prices and the seating layout, see the section Ticket prices for main concerts below and the following section showing the seating plans.

For the concert at Holy Trinity Church on 3rd February 2024, you can now click here to book tickets online via TicketSource

For the concert at Holy Trinity Church on 18th May 2024, you can now click here to book tickets online via TicketSource

Tickets are also available by post from the Tickets Secretary, as for Season Tickets, and will be available for sale during the interval at the preceding HSO concert. 

Obtaining tickets for HSO concerts at Oaklands School

Tickets normally become available shortly before the date of the preceding HCO concert at the latest, but advance tickets have already been made available for the rest of the 2023-24 season. 

For ticket prices and the seating layout, see the section Ticket prices for main concerts below and the following section showing the seating plans.

For the Sunday Afternoon Spring Concert at Oaklands on Sunday 10th March 2024, you can now click here to book tickets online via TicketSource

For the Summer Evening Concert at Oaklands on Saturday 13th July 2024, you can now click here to book tickets online via TicketSource

Tickets are also available by post from the Tickets Secretary, as for Season Tickets, and will be available for sale during the interval at the preceding HCO concert. 

Obtaining Season Tickets

This season, there are three concerts by Havant Chamber Orchestra at Holy Trinity Church, Fareham, and three concerts by Havant Symphony Orchestra at Oaklands Catholic School.  Separate Season Tickets are available for the three concerts by each orchestra, saving approximately 20% on the single ticket prices, with a further price reduction (‘3 of 6’ prices in the table below) when Season Tickets are purchased for both orchestras, saving approximately 25%. 

Season Ticket holders also receive regular Newsletters throughout the season, shortly before each concert (for both orchestras). 

The Season Ticket price previously included a contribution towards the price of a printed programme for each concert, but to make it simpler we have decided to absorb the cost and allow every audience member (and performer) to have a free programme, so the Season Ticket prices have been decreased slightly accordingly. 

Season Tickets may be obtained in advance by post via the HADOS Tickets Secretary.  The simplest way to order Season Tickets is to use the booking form which is available in the foyer at concerts, together with the programme brochure.  You can alternatively print your own copy of the Season Ticket booking form using this PDF file.  The file is set up to print the form as two A5 pages (form and attached information) on one side of an A4 sheet of paper in landscape format, and one A5 page of Data Protection information either on the other side of the Booking Information (using “Print on Both Sides” and “Flip on short edge”) or on a second A4 sheet. 

Each Season Ticket holder is also normally automatically entitled to be a voting member of the Havant and District Orchestral Society (HADOS), with the rights for example to attend general meetings and take part in member votes.  However, some people are not legally eligible to be members of the society, such as anyone who is paid by the society for any services during the season (including any paid players), and some others may wish to decline membership for other reasons.  If either of those cases applies, please write ‘No’ against ‘Membership required?’ on the application form.

If you are ordering Season Tickets before the end of the previous season, you can optionally spread your payment across two cheques, with one of them being post-dated to September 1st. 

Further details about Season Ticket applications can be found on the application form. 

You can also upgrade retrospectively to a Season Ticket after attending the first concert at a venue using a single ticket, although in this case seating choices may be more limited.  If you already have a season ticket for the other venue, the additional discount will be applied to both tickets.  The cost in either case is the same as if you had the Season Ticket before the first concert. 

Ordering tickets from the Tickets Secretary

Please send your cheque (payable to HADOS) along with the booking form (for season tickets) or your separate booking request details for individual Oaklands concerts to the Tickets Secretary at the following address, enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope in which the tickets will be returned:

Stuart Annable,
HADOS Tickets Secretary,
Meon Place Cottage
High Street
SO32 3PN

If you have any queries about tickets, please contact the Tickets Secretary:
Text:  07855 972057
Telephone:  01489 877497

If you want to order advance tickets only a few days before a concert, you can reserve them by phone then collect and pay for them at the door.  Please write out your cheque to HADOS in advance to save time at the collection point. 

Ticket prices for main concerts

Specific numbered seats are reserved for the main concerts in each of the venues.  For concerts at Oaklands School, ticket price bands depend on the seating area, as shown in the seating plans below.  Prices and seating areas have been changed a little for this season as described below. 

Ticket Prices HCO, Holy Trinity Church HSO, Oaklands School HSO+HCO
Price band Single
Season Ticket
(3 only)
Season Ticket
(3 of 6)
Season Ticket
(3 only)
Season Ticket
(3 of 6)
Both seasons
W £15.00 £36.00 £33.00 £20.00 £48.00 £44.00 £77.00
X £15.00 £36.00 £33.00 £66.00
Y £10.00 £24.00 £22.00 £55.00
Student 50% discount on above prices
Child £1 £3 £3 £1 £3 £3 £6

Student:  Current full-time student (or with future full-time place) but not eligible for Child rate. 
Child:  Under 18, or age 18 and in Further Education (up to end of school year). 

Seating plan for main concerts

Seating plan for Holy Trinity

2   .  .  .  5   6  .  .  .  .  10   11  .  .  .  15   16  .  .  19
   A     A     A   
 B   B   B 
 C   C   C 
 D   D   D 
 E   E   E 
 F   F   F 
 G   G   G 
 H   H   H 
   I   I   I   
 J   J   J 
 K   K   K 
 L   L   L 

Seat numbers read from left to right. All seats are on the flat and have the same price.

There are side aisles between seats 5/6 and 15/16.  Within each row, seats 1 and 20 are unused to leave more space.  Seats 6 and 15 in some rows (A, D, E, H, I, L) are unavailable because they are occupied by or positioned behind narrow pillars.

The seats in the church are wooden pews, so we suggest taking a cushion for comfort.

Seating plan for Oaklands School

31  .  .  .  . 25   24  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  9   8  .  .  .  .  .  2
Y  A  X  A  Y
 B   B 
 C   C 
X  D  W  D  X
 E   E 
 F   F 
 G   G 
 H   H 
 I   I 
 J   J 
 K   K 
 L  X  L 
 M   M 
Y  N  Y  N  Y
 O   O 

Seat numbers read from right to left.  Seats are in tiered rows, with access from the front.  Within each row, seats 1, 13, 20 and 32 are unused to leave more space. 

The front row is on the flat but there are steps down to it.  An accessible seating area is available on the right balcony with flat access from the outside, priced as Y.  Please indicate when booking if accessible seating is required. 

Price W Rows D – K, Seats 24–9
Price X Rows A, B, C, Seats 24–9
Rows D – K, Seats 31–25; 8–2
Rows L, M, Seats 31–2
Price Y Rows A, B, C, Seats 31–25; 8–2
Rows N, O, Seats 31–2

Price and seating changes for main concerts

Audience members who have been attending our concerts for the last few years may notice some changes in the seating areas and ticket prices this season, mainly for concerts at Oaklands School.  Some prices have increased, but others have decreased.  Here is a summary of the changes for those who wish to know more. 

  • Price area Z (the rows of plastic chairs in front of the tiered seats) is no longer provided. 

    The chairs were an effort to put out and label, especially when there was limited time before an afternoon concert.  They also tended to get in the way of people entering and leaving, as well as being uncomfortably close to the players, especially for a piano concerto.  The chairs were originally added long ago as cheap overflow seating when Oaklands was becoming full, but are no longer needed for that purpose, especially as current fire safety rules limit the maximum audience size to significantly less than the number of tiered seats. 

  • The price of the best seats (area W) has been increased by £2 to £20. 

    This is the first increase for many years, and prices are still cheaper than for most other orchestras. 

  • To help compensate for the loss of the cheapest seats, areas Y and X have been reduced in price.

    Area Y has been decreased from £12 to £10 and area X from £16 to £15.  The new prices are therefore £20/£15/£10.  Accessible seating is also £10.

  • The previous W area on the left side is now reassigned to X, matching the right hand side, so the normal ticket price for this area is reduced from £18 to £15. 

    This area is not quite as good as the middle (as left is only marginally better than right in most cases), and it is also immediately behind a Y area, so without some sort of change this would have meant £10 seats immediately in front of £20 seats, which would be hard to justify.  The new layout is more symmetrical. 

  • Season ticket prices no longer include an amount towards programme booklets, as every ticket holder (and performer) is now entitled to a programme. 

    The season ticket saving is now exactly 20% for a 3-concert ticket, and just over 25% for a 3-of-6 ticket.  This means the price is now slightly lower for a given individual ticket price. 

Tickets for other concerts

Before the main season each year, there is a ‘Popular Classics’ concert by Havant Symphony Orchestra at Hayling Island Community Centre.  Tickets for this concert usually become available from August.  For the 2023-2024 season, the date is Saturday 16th September 2023

Seats at this event are guaranteed but not reserved as the seats are not numbered. 

Further informal events may be arranged during the season. 

For the Hayling concert, you can book tickets online (click here) via TicketSource.  You can also obtain tickets from TicketSource by phone on 03336 663366, for which there is an additional service fee of around £2 including delivery by post. 

From mid-August, tickets can also be obtained at Hayling Island Community Centre (the concert venue) and the Hayling Island Bookshop in Mengham Road, or you can order them by post from the Tickets Secretary.  Players and society members also have an opportunity to buy tickets at the AGM and first rehearsal in September. 

Ticket Prices for other concerts
Concert Adult Senior Citizens and
Season Ticket holders
Student Child
Hayling Concert,
16th September 2023
£12.00 £10.00 £6.00 £1.00

Student:  Current full-time student (or with future full-time place) but not eligible for Child rate. 
Child:  Under 18, or age 18 and in Further Education (up to end of school year). 

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